XSX Textiles: One Stop Solution Manufacturer for sofa fabric, upholstery fabric and drapery fabric.   

Can Xinshixin Textile provide certificate of origin for sofa fabric supplier ?
We can provide the certificate of origin for sofa fabric supplier if required. The certificate of origin generally contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export. It is an important form because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible to import or whether goods are subject to duties. If you need the certificate of origin and have some special requirements, in case of any delivery delay, please notify us in advance, at lease before shipment. We may need some time to prepare the document.
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Haining Xinshixin Textile CO., LTD. is a professional manufacturing company in China. We have the proven ability to deliver cost-effective products such as upholstery fabric material. The interior fabrics is one of the main products of Xinshixin Textile. bedding textiles is equipped with a terminal protective cap, which can protect the battery terminal well and effectively reduce the terminal loss rate. This kind of product with high quality can increase wearer's confidence and bring a totally different feeling and experience.
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We are continually audited and monitored by our customers to ensure that our high standards are maintained throughout all of our processes. Please contact.

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